

  • The association shall represent the interests of all its members by agreeing in advance its aims and rules.

  • The constitution covers the aims of the association, who is eligible to become a member, how it will be run, how decisions will be taken, and how changes may be made at a later date to meet future needs.

  • The constitution is a binding agreement.

1. Name and Area of the Association

The name of the association shall be: Willows Residents' Association

The area covered by the association shall be:

Bittern Close, Heron Close, Kingfisher Drive, Swan Mead, Teal Way, The Mallards, Osprey Close

2. Aims

The aims of the association are:

  • to be a non-party political association.

  • to promote equal opportunities within the community and recognise the diversity of citizens living in the area.

  • to encourage a sense of community by protecting and promoting the community as a pleasant and safe place to live.

  • to represent all residents in the area covered by the association.

  • to represent the members of the residents association with respect to issues arising in the wider local area which may impact the association. e.g. local schools, transport, public services.

  • to ensure that all members are consulted regularly, and that all residents are encouraged to join.

  • to publish a periodic newsletter to keep members informed of activities.

3. Membership

Membership of the association shall be open to all households (defined as a single postal address) in the area detailed in Section 1. It shall be on the basis of one membership per household.

Available membership categories shall be as follows:

Type | Subscription | Voting Rights*

Full | Yes | Yes

Associate | None | No

(Automatic for all households not taking full membership)

*Voting rights are the only differential between membership categories.

Members should at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or in premises used by the association.

Any member may be excluded for breach of this condition, or for any other conduct contravening the stated aims, by a majority of those present and voting at any Committee or General Meeting.

Any member so excluded shall have a right of appeal to the following General Meeting.

4. Subscriptions

The committee shall recommend the level of subscription applicable for the following financial year to a vote of the membership at the AGM. Payment of the annual subscription shall entitle a household to full membership of the association for that financial year. This shall be recorded on a membership card provided by the Association.

5. Money or Property

  • Any subscription or other monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall only be used for the purposes determined within the aims/objectives of the Association.

  • The committee shall keep accounts. The most recent annual accounts can be seen by any full member on request.

  • The committee members may not receive any money or property from the association, except to refund reasonable out of pocket expenses.

  • Money must be held in the association's bank account or as petty cash.

6. Conduct of Business

A Committee elected at each Annual General Meeting by association members shall carry out the business of the association.

The committee has the power to:Raise funds and receive donations.

  • Apply funds to carry out the aims of the association.

  • Co-operate and support other organisations with similar aims.

  • Do anything that is lawful and necessary to achieve the aims.

7. Annual General Meetings (AGM)

  • The AGM shall be held every year in the summer, with 14 days notice given to all members advising them of the agenda.

  • Minutes shall be kept of the AGM.

  • The previous AGM minutes shall be approved by the membership.

  • The minimum quorum shall the lesser of 15 members or one quarter of the membership.

  • Every full paid-up member has one vote. The chair shall have a casting vote in the event of a tied vote.

  • The committee shall present the annual report and accounts.

  • Any full member may stand for election as a member of the committee.

  • Full members shall elect between 3 and 10 committee members to serve for the next year. They will retire at the next AGM but may stand for re-election.

8. Committee Meetings

  • The committee shall hold at least 3 meetings each year. At their first meeting after the AGM they shall elect a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Committee members may act by majority decision. The Chair shall have a casting vote in the event of a tied vote.

  • At least 3 committee members shall be present at the meeting to be able to make decisions. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting.

  • The previous meeting minutes shall be approved by the committee.

  • If committee members have a conflict of interest they shall declare it and leave the meeting while this matter is being discussed or decided.

  • During the year, the committee members may appoint up to 2 additional committee members within the maximum of 10. They will stand down at the next AGM.

  • The committee members may make reasonable additional rules to help run the association. These rules must not conflict with the constitution or the law.

9. General Meetings (GM)

If the committee considers it necessary to change the constitution, or wind up the association, they can call a General Meeting so that the membership can make the decision. Committee members shall also call a General Meeting if they receive a written request from the majority of the members. All members shall be given 14 days notice and told the reason for the meeting. All decisions require a two thirds majority of those present at the meeting. Minutes shall be kept.

  • Winding up - any money or property remaining after payment of debts shall be given to an association with similar purposes to this one.

  • Changes to the Constitution - can be made at AGMs or GMs.

  • General Meeting - called on written request from a majority of members.

  • Committee Members may also call a General Meeting to consult the membership.

10. Duties of Officers

Any member delegated to represent the association in consultation with any other body shall act on the instructions of the Committee and report back to the following Committee Meeting or General Meeting, whichever is the sooner.

The Chair:

  • shall guide the Association to achieve its aims.

  • shall conduct the meetings of the association.

The Treasurer:

  • shall open and maintain a bank account in the name of the association.

  • shall keep proper accounts of income and expenditure and shall report on them as required by the Committee or General Meetings.

  • the Treasurer and at least one other Committee member nominated by the Committee shall have financial authority.

  • accounts shall be made available for inspection by the members at the Annual General Meeting.

The Secretary:

  • shall be responsible for arranging all meetings and giving the required notice to members.

  • shall ensure minutes are kept of all meetings and give any such details as may be required by the Committee or General Meetings.

  • shall maintain a register of members of the association.

Constitution updated 10 Sep 2023

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© 2023 Willows Residents’ Association